Lifestyle essentials for life-force, longevity, weight-loss, and the mind.
Putting your health first, Billy Merritt is committed to continuing his quest to educate himself and the rest of the world with the purpose of global well-being, exploring the intricate link between health and nature. And Billy does his best to make this journey of ever-improving health enjoyable! Who says that getting healthy can't be fun??
The protocols for superior diet, exercise, and sleep shared in Billy's books and podcast are what have most impacted the lives of thousands of people at the Ashram health retreat where he worked as a nutritionist and trainer for eleven years. What you will gain is the lesser known information to be reflected by your longevity, resilience to disease, energy, speed of recovery, clarity of mind, your happiness, and weight loss, too.
The transformative power of the healthy information that Billy has to share with you is what makes all of this his driving passion, and it may just become a passion for you too. Learn more about Billy and Infinity Greens at www.infinitygreens.com
Lifestyle essentials for life-force, longevity, weight-loss, and the mind.
Infinity Health Manual, Chapter One
Is it possible to have it all? A fit body, radiant skin, a strong immune system, a healthy mind, and even a satisfied palate?
The short answer? A definite “YES!”
There are a lot of principles in this audio book you’ll learn to employ but let’s start with the most basic: a fundamental key to your life-force and longevity is to add genuinely healthy foods to your diet.
The fact is, your diet is a powerful avenue for quality of life enhancement. And honing its improvement is an ongoing life journey. As such, it’s a matter of starting where you are and adding a few of the truly healthy foods to your daily routine. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the idea of a complete diet overhaul. For many the body can reject this kind of radical change.
One could write volumes on health, but I’ve distilled the information here to what I’ve experienced to be the most effective protocols for the amount of effort they require.
So click Play and let's get started!